Futures Forum: Sidmouth Beach Management Plan: finalising the reports
This is very much in the context of climate change:
Futures Forum: Climate change: sea levels rising
Futures Forum: Climate change... and protecting Sidmouth against rising sea levels
The Environment Agency has just launched its annual campaign:

Floods destroy. Be prepared.
Almost 5 million people in England are at risk of flooding. This is only going to increase with a changing climate.
Many people think that flooding will never happen to them - but it could. The winter of 2013 to 2014 was the wettest in England for nearly 250 years and around 11,000 residential and commercial properties flooded.
There are 3 simple steps you can take to be better prepared for flooding.
Join in online
Find out more about how to prepare for a flood on:
Use our campaign materials
The Environment Agency welcomes support from businesses and organisations. You can use the campaign materials online and in your communications, and share them with your customers and networks.
Help and advice
Telephone: 0345 988 1188
Type talk: 0345 602 6340
24-hour service
Find out about call charges
Telephone: 0345 988 1188
Type talk: 0345 602 6340
24-hour service
Find out about call charges
Floods destroy. Be prepared. - GOV.UK
Businesses urged to check their flood risk - Press releases - GOV.UK
The Herald has looked at how this affects this part of the country:
East Devon communities encouraged to be flood aware this winter
12:34 04 November 2015

Waves pound the esplanade on Tuesday evening. Ref shs 5110-19-15SH. Picture: Simon Horn
Householders in Exmouth, Topsham and Seaton set to benefit from new, improved Environment Agency warnings. Communities in East Devon stand to benefit from improved flood warnings as residents are encouraged to take steps to safeguard property this winter.
The Environment Agency has launched its annual Flood Action Campaign and is urging householders and business to follow advice to reduce the risk to their personal safety and property.
To coincide with the campaign, the agency’s flood warning service has been improved, so anyone at risk of flooding in areas, including Topsham, Exmouth and Seaton, will now receive warnings specific to their local stretch of coastline.
Steps people can follow to help safeguard against flooding include:
1. Check individual flood risk on the Environment Agency’s online maps.
2. Sign-up for free flood warnings by calling Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or by visiting the GOV.UK website.
3. Know what to do if a flood happens.
According to Environment Agency figures, almost 5 million people in England are at risk of flooding – or one in six properties.
Practical advice is available via GOV.UK about what to do to reduce the risk to peoples’ personal safety and property when they receive a flood warning. This includes moving treasured possessions upstairs and keeping important documents to hand.
Environment Agency flood expert Gordon Trapmore said: “One in six properties in England is at risk of flooding. Many people think that flooding will never happen to them - but it could.”
Michele Dotrice, the popular actress best known for her portrayal of Betty, the long-suffering wife of Frank Spencer in the BBC sitcom ‘Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em’, is supporting this year’s campaign. She said: “Having had the misfortune to experience flooding first-hand and knowing the devastation that this can cause, I am keen to raise awareness of the Flood Action campaign. I recently signed up to the Environment Agency’s free flood warning service and I would strongly encourage others to do the same.”
The winter of 2013 to 2014 was the wettest in England for nearly 250 years but some 1.4 million properties were protected by Environment Agency flood defences. Further investment means that flood schemes have protected an extra 177,000 properties in the last 4 years. New flood warnings will be based on improved forecasting techniques.
The Environment Agency has also revised the water levels, and the wind and wave conditions used to trigger these warnings so says customers will receive an enhanced service and more accurate warnings.
To find our more about The Flood Action campaign, visit: www.gov.uk/floodsdestroy.
The Environment Agency is encouraging people to alert friends and family on social media using the hashtag #floodaware.
East Devon communities encouraged to be flood aware this winter - News - Sidmouth HeraldThe EA put together a plan in 2012:
East Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan
Things were particularly bad last year:
Futures Forum: Flooding in the West Country... and coastal communities
There is some planning being undertaken for Sidmouth:
Futures Forum: A flood plan for Sidmouth
The question is whether enough is being done:
Futures Forum: Climate change: and flooding >>> 'Lack of planning leaves coastal services vulnerable'
Climate SouthWest has been endeavouring to plug the gaps - but because of loss of funding, the body has now ceased to be:
"Climate change is happening now in the South West and we are already vulnerable to extreme weather. We need to plan for both current and future vulnerability."
Climate SouthWest is an independent partnership focused on helping the region to prepare and adapt to the changing climate. We are based in the South West and hosted by the Environment Agency.
We are one of twelve Climate Change Partnerships in the UK who work together under the umbrella community interest company, Climate UK, to enhance coordinated action on climate change at the local and national level.
The partnership was established in 2001 to build upon previous climate change initiatives. Formerly known as the South West Climate Change Impacts Partnership (SWCCIP) we changed our name to Climate SouthWest in early 2010.
Climate SouthWest is a partnership between key stakeholders and brings together a range of organisations from the private, public and third sectors. We act as single point of contact within the region on all climate change adaptation issues, and are driving a coordinated approach to climate change across key sectors.
Climate South West, building resilience to extreme weather and climate change in the South West.
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