Saturday 21 November 2015

Open evening on trees in the Sid Valley >>> Fri 27th Nov

Next Friday sees a substantial gathering of Sid Valley tree folk:
Futures Forum: Sidmouth Tree Summit >>> Friday 27th November

Here's the latest from the Sidmouth Arboretum which is hosting the event:

TREE SUMMIT 27 November  6-9 pm Kennaway House

We are having a great response to our plans for a lively and wide ranging informative evening – featuring the many benefits of trees.

Do come and visit, pop in or stay longer, to be held at the Cellar Bar of Kennaway House, EX10 8NG  with bar and refreshments available.
This coincides with both Tree Week (28 Nov – 6 Dec) and with the UN climate conference in Paris (30 Nov – 11 Dec).    
The format will be informal, with participants scattered around the room at small tables. Each may give a short introduction of their work, before the evening is opened up to networking and mingling between the tables and the bar.

DIARY DATE AGM 12 January 2016  at the Unitarian Church, opposite Tesco in Sidmouth.  5.30 pm  open to all/refreshments available.

We are still looking for a new Treasurer.   Not a lot of work, not necessary to attend all committee meeting; but we do need someone!      Anyone who might be interested, please contact current Treasurer Councillor John Dyson or Diana East 01395 519275.

Our best wishes for the Christmas Season

and a Happy New Year to all.

Sidmouth Arboretum - News
TREE SUMMIT 27 November 6-9 pm Kennaway House, Sidmouth | Save Our Sidmouth

The SOS blog has also posted a reminder of a piece from spring 2013:

Getting to know the Knowle

Advertisements for job vacancies at EDDC now include the mention ‘In the future, East Devon District Council may relocate from its current headquarters to premises elsewhere in the district.’  Presumably this means that despite the recent refusal of the Outline Planning Application for Knowle, the parkland may still be under threat.
Last Sunday’s guided walk through the grounds, which include part of Sidmouth’s Civic Arboretum, was led by Hugh Angus (former Head of Collections at Westonbirt National Arboretum) who knows a lot about trees!  Here are a few special ones he pointed out:
A splendid-in-autumn red maple (first large tree on the right as you enter the drive leading to the Council offices)
Then a Judas tree (also on the right hand side of the drive)
P1030082Everyone knows ‘Old Monty’ (with the thickest girth of its type in the UK)   but may not know how to be sure it’s a Monterey Pine. Look for fist-sized cones growing directly from the bark.
.And you’ll recognise the Monkey Puzzle tree, or Chile Pine, with its thorny bark and branches. This one’s a male and in excellent health. Just as well, as these ancient trees, with edible seeds (the Araucanian Indians ate them fresh or boiled), are globally under threat.P1030097

Hugh Angus will be back in Sidmouth in June, with broadcaster Roy Lancaster, of RHS fame, for an event at Kennaway House…and more guided walks, no doubt! Details soon at   http://www.sidmoutharboretum.org
Getting to know the Knowle | Save Our Sidmouth

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