Futures Forum: A Celebration of Trees: Friday 25th November: "a giddy mix of stalls, songs, talks, crafts, advice"
It'll be starting off with a look at the yew - which will be a theme throughout the event:
Futures Forum: Celebrating the yew tree @ Radio 4's Natural Histories.... and @ the Arboretum's celebration of trees Friday 25th Nov
And there will be talks from most local and national tree organisations - including Clinton Devon Estates and the Woodland Trust:
Futures Forum: A Charter for Trees >>> 'bringing people together to celebrate the woods and trees at the heart of their communities and help feed ideas and stories into the building of the charter'
This is the piece from the latest Herald:
A celebration of Sid Valley’s trees
16:20 19 November 2016
Sidmouth Arboretum's Diana East with local residents Martin McInerney and Sue Dent with two young Monterey pines that will be planted at Knowle in Sidmouth. They are pictured in front of one of the iconic Monterey pines believed to be around 150 years old and growing in the grounds of Knowle Ref shs 08-16SH 6054. Picture: Simon Horn
Sidmouth Arboretum is staging a celebration party in the Cellar Bar of Kennaway House to mark the start of National Tree Week.
It takes place next Friday, November 25, from 6pm to 8.30pm.
Chairman Diana East said: “The arboretum will be repeating the success of last year - an evening of organised chaos which allows everyone to learn a little, chat a little and generally have an stimulating evening.”
Starting with a tree song from the Sid Vale Folk Choir, the celebration will feature stalls and the chance to talk to experts and take part in a raffle and quiz.
MC Steve Potter will trace the story of yew trees.
Experts invited to speak for three minutes are architect and author Graham Cooper on the importance of trees to health, supported by Dr Duncan Hall and Sidmouth in Bloom.
Professor Brian Golding will speak on the yews in the parish churchyard and John Wilding, of Clinton Devon Estates, wall talk on the thrills of and threats to trees.
Laura Gople, a trainee conservation manager with the district council, will speak on how trees can reduce risk of flooding, and ecologist Louise Woolley will focus on what bats need to thrive.
Kate Tobin will give an update on grants on behalf of the Forestry Commission and Claire Wright will speak on how we depend on government policy.
Landscape to Legacy manager Ruth Worsley will speak on what trees tell us about history of the landscape.
The event is free and all are welcome.
Contact Diana on 01395 519275 or email info@sidmoutharboretum.org.uk for more information.
A celebration of Sid Valley’s trees - News - Sidmouth Herald
And it kick-starts National Tree Week:
The Tree Council > Take Part > National Tree Week
And the Arboretum's tree event is part of the Week's line-up nationally:
Event Details - Tree Council
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