Well, it's influence has certainly been felt of late:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project > Pegasus planning application 16/0872/MFUL >>> and the rejected planning application 12/1847/MOUT of 1st March 2013 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Part two: "Contrary to to the requirements of Policy E3 (Safeguarding Employment Land and Premises)"
Much of that particular challenge being serious reservations over housing numbers:
Futures Forum: Housing numbers projected for East Devon >>> challenging the robustness of the figures
Whilst the Sidford industrial estate - also rejected - was largely challenged due to spurious employment land numbers:
Futures Forum: Sidford business park > Fords planning application >>> 16/0669/MOUT >>> the applicant, the East Devon Business Forum and lobbying for more employment land
Futures Forum: Sidford Business Park and the East Devon Business Forum
And much of this push for 'development' has come from the EDBF:
Futures Forum: "Regeneration and economic development" in East Devon >>> looking beyond the conventional, the ideological and the heavyhanded
The East Devon Watch blog has spotted a possible resurrection in all but name:
7 DEC 2016
Another unelected, unaccountable, non-transparent secret society on its way?
Another shady group of “private sector representatives and business community” Tories wetting their pants with the excitement of yet another trough for their snouts?
Cabinet Agenda for 14 December, 2015
Item 19
Page 147
The “Exeter Travel to Work Area (TTWA) area recommendations:
“It is presently proposed that the desired formal body for the Exeter TTWA will be a ‘Greater Exeter Growth and Development Board’ (GEGDB) including the local authorities covering the Greater Exeter functional economic area.
The Board would be a Joint Committee under s101 (5), 102 Local Government Act 1972 and s9EB Local Government Act 2000 and pursuant to the Local Authorities (Arrangement for the Discharge of Functions) (England) Regulations 2012.
It will comprise the 5 local authorities [Exeter, East Devon, Mid Devon, Teignbridge and DCC] as voting members
and a number of non-voting co-opted private sector /other representatives drawn from the wider business community.
This approach was agreed by Exeter City Council in principle on 8 November and is now being considered by the other potential partners.”
"Greater Exeter" moves on apace - and Greater Plymouth In "Accountability"
"Greater Exeter" and its impact on housing and infrastructure in East Devon In "Affordable and Social Housing"
Today Manchester, tomorrow "Greater Exeter" or "Devon wide"? Maybe Councillor Potter is right and there will be no district councils soon In "Austerity cuts"
One thought on “Oh, oh, trouble: a mini Local Enterprise Partnership or a maxi East Devon Business Forum on its way?”
7 Dec 2016 at 6:02pm
And will meetings be open to the public, with published agendas, reports, minutes and recordings?
Oh, oh, trouble: a mini Local Enterprise Partnership or a maxi East Devon Business Forum on its way? | East Devon Watch
A couple of years ago, the ‘Greater Exeter Growth and Development Board’ was being hailed by the press:
Exeter, East Devon and Teignbridge councils to form Greater Exeter, Greater Devon Partnership | Exeter Express and Echo
Mid Devon District Council is keen too:
Issue history - Greater Exeter Growth & Development Board - MIDDEVON.GOV.UK
As is Teignbridge:
The East Devon Watch blog is not so keen:
“Greater Exeter” – not so great? Show yourselves “Greater Exeter Visioning Board”! | East Devon Watch
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