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Meanwhile, the shopping street in Woolbrook has a new feature:
New tearoom opens in Sidmouth
PUBLISHED: 17:30 25 May 2018

Graham Bungay was the first customer to enjoy the food and drink on offer at the new Woolbrook tea room.
A new tearoom offering ‘good old fashioned service’ has opened in Woolbrook Newsagents aiming to provide a community hot spot for residents.
Owner Teresa Loynd (centre) with members of her team behind the counter of the new tearoom which she hopes will be welcoming and friendly to those in Woolbrook.
Teresa and Ron Loynd took over the business in November last year and set about refurbishing the whole shop, including the creation of the tearoom.
The couple officially opened the new counter and seating area last Wednesday with the help of long serving employee Tom Turner, who had the honours of cutting the ribbon.
Regular customer Graham Bungay was determined to be the tearoom’s first ever customer ordering a toasted tea cake and coffee.
The 84-year-old said: “I think it will do well. This area could do with something like this. There is no where here where you can get a cup of tea, you could go to the pub or walk into town but it is not quite the same. Teresa has worked very hard and I hope it is successful. I will be coming here in for a morning cup of tea and a paper and I will sit here and watch Sidmouth go by.”
On offer will be hot drinks, food, homemade cakes and takeaway boxes of cream teas for customers to enjoy down the beach. Teresa said she also hopes to put tables outside for users to enjoy the summer weather as well as creating colourful window displays.
She said: “I wanted it to look like this and we have had a lot of support from the local community who are coming into the shop to say it is a good idea and they will support us and it is definitely needed here. There are a lot of people who live on their own in the Woolbrook area and it will be nice to have somewhere they can come to talk to someone during the day and watch the world go by.
“I want to bring some life back into the Woolbrook area and keep the little shops going. It is so easy for little shops to die out and I want to keep the community going here. I just want a welcoming friendly shop. Our aim is to continue to provide a good old fashioned first class service to all of our customers.”
She thanked her husband, Sign & Vision and tradesman Hugh Brace, Louis Hill, Martin Spence and Ron Johnstone-Smith for working unsocial hours over the last few months to renovate the shop.
She also said a special thank-you to the shop’s staff and delivery team for continuing to work around the upheaval.
Welcoming and friendly Woolbrook Tearoom opens its doors to new customers | Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald
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