Futures Forum: Sidford business park > new planning application submitted
This is the latest from the District Council:
New outline planning application for Sidford employment site received by East Devon planning authority
16 May 2018
Public consultation on the application is open until 15 June 2018 – comments can be made on the East Devon website
East Devon District Council has received a new outline planning application (reference 18/1094/MOUT) for the development of the Sidford employment site at Two Bridges Road, Sidford. An application for outline planning permission allows for a decision on the general principles of how a site can be developed but allows some of the detailed design issues (in this case the scale of the development and the appearance of the buildings) to be considered under a separate future application if planning permission is granted.
The proposal, which is accompanied by an Environmental Statement, seeks outline planning permission for the change of use of agricultural land to employment land (B1, B8 and D1 uses) to provide 8,445 sqm of new floor space, new highway access, cycle and footway, improvements to flood attenuation, building layout and road layout, new hedgerow planting and associated infrastructure.
This current application for the Sidford employment site follows an earlier application for a similar development, albeit on a larger site that included a field further to the north of the site (not included in this current application), which was refused In September 2016.
Use the search facility on the East Devon website to view the application - just insert the application reference 18/1094/MOUT.
The public consultation on the application is open until 15 June 2018 and comments can be submitted via the council’s website using the above link.
Sidford’s Two Bridges site is allocated as employment land and its development for employment purposes is supported in principle by the East Devon Local Plan.
16 May 2018 - New outline planning application for Sidford employment site received by East Devon planning authority - East Devon
And from Devon Live today:
Business park plans back on the table for Devon beauty spot
The agricultural land is in an area of outstanding natural beauty
Daniel Clark Local Democracy Reporter
11:55, 16 MAY 2018
Revised plans for a new business park that could create 250 new jobs at the edge of Sidford have been revealed - two years after an earlier application was rejected for the area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Fords of Sidmouth have submitted new plans to build industrial, storage and non-residential institutions on agricultural land to the east of Two Bridges Road.
A similar, but larger, scheme was rejected by East Devon District Council officers back in 2016 as the application failed to demonstrate how the developers would achieve the high standards of design and landscaping, which are a requirement for all developments taking place in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Revised plans for a new business park on the edge of Sidford
But the new scheme, submitted to planners this week, no longer includes the proposed distribution units and reduces the size of the application site down from 22,800 sq m to just 8,445 sq m.
The applicants say that 250 new jobs would be created as part of the scheme and that the site’s development will secure a cycleway to the employment site.
Devon County Council have plans for a Sidbury-Sidford cycle and walking route which would finally provide a safe route between the two East Devon villages, but the plans have stalled while the fate of the business park application has been up in the air.
New highway access, improvements to flood attenuation and new hedgerow planting would also be included in the application.
A statement submitted with the application says: “The application reduces the volume of the proposed development from 22,800 sqm over two phases to 8,446 sqm over one phase. The split of uses has been modified and the initial B2 general industry provision has been entirely removed. The volume of traffic and the overall impact of the development will clearly be lessened by the proposed reduction in development volume.
“The area of land for planting and landscape has been increased and a landscape strategy for the site is likely to deliver benefits to wildlife and people, as well as reduce visual impact.
“The site will achieve and attractive employment environment, beneficial improvements to flood risk, as well as flood attenuation associated with the development itself.
“The site’s development will secure a cycleway to the employment site and could secure 250 new jobs.”
The application adds that the development accords with the adopted Local Plan.
The initial scheme, which would have created 300 jobs, did not get as far as the Development Management Committee because both Cllr David Barrett, the ward member for Sidmouth Rural, and Sidmouth Town Council were opposed to the proposal, and the planning officer’s recommendation was for refusal.
East Devon District Council then said though that it remains committed to seeing the Sidford Two Bridges site developed for employment purposes – its allocation remains in place and is supported by the Local Plan.
The application was refused on the grounds that it failed to demonstrate how the developers would achieve the high standards of design and landscaping, which are a requirement for all developments taking place in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The site of the proposed new business park on the edge of Sidford
The proposal also did not sufficiently prove that traffic likely to be generated from the proposed mix of uses at the site would not be harmful to highway safety.
Members attending the delegated session were also not satisfied that any noise impact would be acceptable and were concerned that the application did not show how a cycle route would be put in place.
The proposal also failed to include possible junction improvements and did not show how the site would be landscaped to reduce its impact on the surrounding area.
But the applicant says that the changes made will overcome the refusal reasons.
East Devon District Council planners will determine the fate of the application at a later date.
Business park plans back on the table for Devon beauty spot - Devon Live
This site has a long history:
EDDC claims Sidford employment site will still be developed….Are their claims watertight? | Save Our Sidmouth
Sidford employment land victim of “electioneering” | East Devon Watch
Sidford: Environment Agency “not using new flooding figures to save developer money” | East Devon Watch
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