Futures Forum: Regenerating Exmouth seafront >>> appointing HemingwayDesign to 'provide a renewed momentum' > Transition Exmouth responds
And yet there's been a lot of scepticism about the way in which the project has been run:
Futures Forum: Regenerating Exmouth seafront: "control of the process will remain with the Exmouth Regeneration Board "
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> and plans for Exmouth: When "nothing's been decided" means "something's been decided"
The latest proposals have an uncanny resemblance to the promises of the much-diminished 'redevelopment' of Sidmouth's seafront:
People want quality restaurants and bars for Sidmouth seafront site (including a Nando's) - Devon Live
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: demand for cafes and restaurants come a poor third
Perhaps Exmouth is showing the way for seaside development in East Devon:
World class new watersports centre, cafe and posh restaurant are set to be approved
But some objectors say it's on the most dangerous part of the beach
Daniel Clark Local Democracy Reporter
25 MAY 2018
Plans for Exmouth's new multi-million pound watersports centre are set to be given the go-ahead. Grenadier have proposed a new two-storey watersports centre, café, restaurant and retail units plus car parking, open space and a ramped access to the beach.
The 37 people who object say it's sited on the most dangerous part of the beach - and one says it's more like an 'out of town retail park'.
The project is an integral part of East Devon District Council’s plans to regenerate the town's seafront area.
Plans for Exmouth's new multi-million pound watersports centre are set to be given the go-ahead. Grenadier have proposed a new two-storey watersports centre, café, restaurant and retail units plus car parking, open space and a ramped access to the beach.
The 37 people who object say it's sited on the most dangerous part of the beach - and one says it's more like an 'out of town retail park'.
The project is an integral part of East Devon District Council’s plans to regenerate the town's seafront area.
The application has the support of Exmouth Town Council and planning officers are recommending that the application be approved when it goes before EDDC’s Development Management Committee on Tuesday, June 5. Recommending approval, council planners have said that all matters of flooding, retail impact, economic impact, highway safety and surface water drainage have been found to be acceptable, subject to appropriate safeguarding conditions.

The council’s economic development officer added: “The proposed development builds upon Exmouth's unique strength as a venue for a great water sports experience and offers to provide a high quality facility that will embed Exmouth's position as a 'go to' destination. The proposed facilities will contribute towards enabling the Exmouth visitor economy to extend the visitor season beyond the core summer months and support the further development of the water sports and associated high quality leisure offer in the town.
“It is stated that the proposed development will result in the creation of 62 full-time jobs. The Exmouth visitor economy is constantly evolving and changing and has already benefitted from investment in new holiday accommodation, new and/ or improved indoor leisure facilities and public realm.

The council’s economic development officer added: “The proposed development builds upon Exmouth's unique strength as a venue for a great water sports experience and offers to provide a high quality facility that will embed Exmouth's position as a 'go to' destination. The proposed facilities will contribute towards enabling the Exmouth visitor economy to extend the visitor season beyond the core summer months and support the further development of the water sports and associated high quality leisure offer in the town.
“It is stated that the proposed development will result in the creation of 62 full-time jobs. The Exmouth visitor economy is constantly evolving and changing and has already benefitted from investment in new holiday accommodation, new and/ or improved indoor leisure facilities and public realm.

“The proposed development has the potential to make a further and very significant contribution to the creation of a visitor economy for Exmouth that is fit for the 21st Century reflecting Exmouth's unique water sports offer and enhance the site's stunning seafront location.”
Peter Quincey, Director of Grenadier, had previously said that they have listened to the feedback from the consultation and made amendments to the design for their community-focused and not-for-profit development.

Artist impression of the watersports centre for Exmouth seafront
When announcing the plans last October, he added: "Exmouth has got world class facilities for its watersports as far as its actual environment, it's got incredibly flat water and wind accessible from a variety of directions. The watersports centre is all about providing the facilities to enable Exmouth to use its natural assets better and to encourage the uptake of watersports activities within the town in general.
"We're passionate about watersports itself and we are confident that this is something that will have a real benefit to the whole community. The design is all about low carbon and sustainability. Having a watersports centre will allow Exmouth to bid and hopefully host international watersports events, and the creation of a leisure destination should help contribute to increasing footfall and visitor numbers into the town. This development could create 50-60 new jobs in Exmouth and encourage more people to take up watersports, which in turn drives healthier lifestyles, and will create a place for staging community events.”
There have been 37 letters of objection against the plans, with concerns about it being sited on most dangerous part of the beach, there being no sensible reason for the food outlet to be built over two storeys, with one adding: “This is hardly a 'world class' water sport centre, more an out of town retail park.”

When announcing the plans last October, he added: "Exmouth has got world class facilities for its watersports as far as its actual environment, it's got incredibly flat water and wind accessible from a variety of directions. The watersports centre is all about providing the facilities to enable Exmouth to use its natural assets better and to encourage the uptake of watersports activities within the town in general.
"We're passionate about watersports itself and we are confident that this is something that will have a real benefit to the whole community. The design is all about low carbon and sustainability. Having a watersports centre will allow Exmouth to bid and hopefully host international watersports events, and the creation of a leisure destination should help contribute to increasing footfall and visitor numbers into the town. This development could create 50-60 new jobs in Exmouth and encourage more people to take up watersports, which in turn drives healthier lifestyles, and will create a place for staging community events.”
There have been 37 letters of objection against the plans, with concerns about it being sited on most dangerous part of the beach, there being no sensible reason for the food outlet to be built over two storeys, with one adding: “This is hardly a 'world class' water sport centre, more an out of town retail park.”

Plans for Exmouth's new watersports centre (Image: Grenadier)
But letters in support of the plans say that it will help to put Exmouth more firmly on the map as a top water sports destination, will provide much needed facilities for locals as well as bring more people to the area who want to learn and improve and the creation of new architecture and new landscaping will enhance the seafront
The application follows the granting of outline planning permission for the redevelopment of the area including a water sports centre and realignment of Queens Drive in 2014 and a subsequent detailed planning application for the realignment of Queens Drive that was granted 2016.
The Development Management Committee will meet at the Knowle, Sidmouth at 10am on June 5.
World class new watersports centre, cafe and posh restaurant are set to be approved - Devon Live
But letters in support of the plans say that it will help to put Exmouth more firmly on the map as a top water sports destination, will provide much needed facilities for locals as well as bring more people to the area who want to learn and improve and the creation of new architecture and new landscaping will enhance the seafront
The application follows the granting of outline planning permission for the redevelopment of the area including a water sports centre and realignment of Queens Drive in 2014 and a subsequent detailed planning application for the realignment of Queens Drive that was granted 2016.
The Development Management Committee will meet at the Knowle, Sidmouth at 10am on June 5.
World class new watersports centre, cafe and posh restaurant are set to be approved - Devon Live
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