Bristol will be Europe's Green Capital next year:
Bristol's Mayor George Ferguson has just won the Making Cities Liveable award
Bristol has also been big in the Make Sundays Special project:
As a correspondent has suggested something similar, if on a smaller scale, for Sidmouth:
"What about making Sundays Special in Sidmouth's Fore Street?"
George Ferguson picks up top city prize
Bristol recognised with Lewis Mumford Award
Bristol Park and Slide on Park Street by Luke Jerram
The UK’s first architect mayor has been awarded the Lewis Mumford Award for making Bristol a healthy city.
The award recognises George Ferguson and Bristol council’s “outstanding leadership in working to enhance streets for social life and celebration”, said the International Making Cities Livable organisation.
The city’s most eye-catching initiative so far was Park & Slide, a 90m water slide down Park Street, which is part of the city’s Make Sundays Special programme.
Other measures include £11 million of spending on cycle routes, investment in public transport, the spread of 20mph zones and affordable food projects.
International Making Cities Livable, which will present the award in Ferguson’s absence at its 51stconference in Portland, Oregon, today, said the health of all residents, especially children, was being enhanced.
Ferguson, who was elected in 2012, said the prize was an encouragement to do more.
“It is a real honour to receive this unsolicited award from a panel of global experts,” he said.
“Tackling health inequality and making Bristol a healthier place to live is central to my vision for the city and for our programme for European Green Capital next year. This award demonstrates the widespread impact the work of the council and its partners is already making.”
He added: “This is a city which is being innovative and doing new things to help people lead healthy, happy lives.”
Lewis Mumford, who died in 1990, was a US critic and writer on cities.
Source: Luke Jerram
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