Futures Forum: The Freedom of Information Act and Local Enterprise Partnerships >>> making public contracts transparent
A debate is expected in Parliament tomorrow:
MPs to discuss motion to extend Freedom of Information Act to charities | Third Sector
This message has just been sent out by the campaigning group 38 degrees:

I’m feeling hopeful today. Before Christmas, the government was quietly planning to water down our Freedom of Information laws: our right to know what our politicians are up to, and how they’re spending our public money. [1]
Fast-forward a few months and they seem to be backing off because of our backlash. Together we built a massive petition and tens of thousands of us have written in to the government consultation. One minister’s quoted in the press saying; “Nobody in the Government wants to touch this now, it’s a very hot political potato.” [2]
None of this is a done deal - yet. But we’re having impact. I think together we can win this.
Our first chance is in 48 hours. I’ve been invited to give evidence on behalf of 38 Degrees members to the people who are advising the government on this. They’re in the final throes of putting together their recommendations. So this is our opportunity to really hammer home where we stand.
I want to make sure I’m representing you properly on Wednesday. So please can you take 3 minutes to let me know what you’d like me to say, via a short survey:
Do you think FOI rules should be extended to cover private companies who are hired to run public services?
I’ll be up in front of a group of Lords, ex-MPs and media experts who are sussing out what people think of the government’s plan to water down FOI laws. [3] That’s where we come in. The more voices, comments and experiences I can take in with me on Wednesday, the more weight we’ll have to influence them.
So what do you think? Why is it important we know how the government is spending public money? Should they be able to hold back some information? Should the rules cover private companies who are hired to run our public services?
Whatever your views, I’d really appreciate it if you can fill this quick survey out as soon as possible, so I can start preparing for Wednesday.
Do you think FOI rules should be extended to cover private companies who are hired to run public services?
I want to bring as many of your voices as possible with me on Wednesday, so please fill out this quick survey about why FOI matters to you:
[1] Telegraph: FOI Act could be 'watered down' as review is launched:
[2] Press Gazette: FOI minister Matthew Hancock would be 'very happy' if commission suggested no changes to act, reports The Times:
Press Gazette: Hands Off FOI: Senior minister tells The Sun 'nobody in Government wants to touch this now:
38 Degrees Blog: FOI: submit to the consultation:
38 Degrees Blog: FOI: petition handed in:
[3] You can read more about the Commission and who is on it here:
[4] FOI act right now only covers public bodies. You can read about it here:
ICO: What is the FOI Act?
Horticulture Week: Charities and Contractors may come under Freedom of Information Act:
Have your say on Freedom of Information
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