Futures Forum: On the River Otter: plans to remove beavers challenged in the courts
Futures Forum: On the River Otter: questions of potential parasites on BBC's Spotlight: and it's not just beavers who might be carrying EM...
Naturalist Chris Packham is supporting the campaign to return the beavers:
Chris Packham gives support to River Otter beavers
11:29 09 December 2014

Eager Beaver, by Emma Bowring, which has raised £700 for the Devon Wildlife Trust's appeal to keep wild beavers on the River Otter.
A top TV presenter and an East Devon artist have joined the campaign to keep wild beavers on the River Otter.
The Devon Wildlife Trust is attempting to keep the beavers – which have been seen as far downstream as White Bridge – in the river, opposing government plans to capture and rehome them.
Now, the campaign has been backed by TV wildlife presenter Chris Packham, who wrote in support of the Trust on Twitter.
Dan Smith of the Devon Wildlife Trust said: “It was fantastic to see Chris’s support – he’s been such a passionate advocate for wildlife for so many years and his fans responded with a flurry of donations.”
The trust is aiming to raise £54,000 by the end of the year to begin the first phase of the five-year wild beaver trial.
This has been further boosted by the donation of a painting, Eager Beaver, by artist Emma Bowring, raising £700.
Dan added: “We’re now two-thirds of the way towards our fundraising target after just four weeks, so we’re getting closer to securing a future for the River Otter beavers.”
To support the trust’s appeal, visit www.devonwildlifetrust.org/devons-wild-beavers-appeal.
Chris Packham gives support to River Otter beavers - News - Exmouth Journal
The Devon Wildlife Trust has been very busy:
Devon Wildlife Trust | Nature Reserve Conservation & Charity
See film of the beavers in their east Devon home here
Devon Wildlife Trust | Devon's Wild Beavers
Devon Wildlife Trust | Nature Reserve Conservation & Charity
Devon's wild beavers

****Update, 19 December: As part of Natural England's response to DWT's Licence Application to return and release healthy Eurasian beavers to the River Otter, NE has organised a public meeting. People in east Devon who have an interest in the beavers' future on the River Otter, are invited to the meeting on Wednesday 14 January at 6:30pm at Ottery St Mary Scout Centre on Winters Lane, EX11 1AT. This is a great opportunity to show your support for, or find out more about, DWT's proposed River Otter Beaver Trial****
For the first time since they were hunted to extinction in the 1700s, England has a breeding wild beaver population - and they are here in Devon, on the River Otter. This remarkable news broke in early 2014 when a small group of one adult and two young were filmed on the River Otter in East Devon.
See film of the beavers with their young, or 'kits' - watch the amazing footage here
Devon Wildlife Trust | Devon's Wild Beavers
The blog of Cllr Claire Wright highlights the meeting:
Natural England launches consultation on the reintroduction of the River Otter beavers
Monday, 29 December 2014 0 Comments by Claire
Devon Wildlife Trust has now undertaken the truly enormous amount of work required of it by DEFRA and submitted an application to Natural England for the official reintroduction of the family of beavers that have been living on the River Otter for years.
Natural England will now formally consult members of the East Devon public, to get their views at an open meeting next month.
Those unable to attend the consultation may send their comments to Natural England by e-mail at wildlife.consultation@naturalengland.org.uk, or by post to c/o Carys Coleman, Block B, Government Buildings, Whittington Road, Worcester, WR5 2LQ, by 15 January 2015.
The public meeting will take place at Ottery St Mary Scout Centre, Winters Lane, on 14 January 2015 at 6.30pm.
The public meeting will take place at Ottery St Mary Scout Centre, Winters Lane, on 14 January 2015 at 6.30pm.
Please note parking is not available on site. Attendees should use public car parks in the town centre.
Photograph: The beautiful River Otter between Ottery St Mary and Tipton St John.
Natural England launches consultation on the reintroduction of the River Otter beavers - Claire Wright
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