Tuesday 2 April 2019

Sidford business park >> campaign group's latest update > additional comments can be sent to the appeal Inspector by 22nd April

The applicants who failed to get planning permission for an industrial estate north of Sidford have appealed - and the campaign against this have swung into action:
Futures Forum: Sidford business park >> campaign group's latest update > BREAKING NEWS: Applicants submit appeal against decision to reject planning application

The campaign is giving advice on how to submit further comments to the Inspector: 

Campaign Update 26

Apologies for the delay in providing an update but over recent weeks we have been trying to clarify what is required in the lead up to, and at, a planning appeal hearing. We now believe that we are much clearer in how we need to progress.

As those of you who had submitted objections to the planning proposal will now be aware from the District Council that the process associated with the planning appeal has commenced.

Before we address that a belated thank you to all who took part in our fundraiser Ceilidh which made a profit of £530. This brings our funds to just under £1,500.

We had been anticipating having to put a plea out to raise significantly more funds in order to fund legal representation at the appeal hearing. At this stage however we do not think this is necessary as we believe we have sufficient funds to support the work that is required over the next few crucial weeks. Thank you however to those who have in recent weeks made offers of further donations, but at this stage we think it would not be right just to take money from you without having a clear idea of what we would spend it on. 

We have discussed how to approach the appeal with several people, including a solicitor, all of whom have planning experience. It is now our considered opinion that we can between us manage the next set of activities and fund these out of our existing funds. We may however possibly need to consider raising additional funds in a few months time should we decide to seek a professional representative to take the lead on our behalf at the appeal hearing.

As the recent letter from the District Council, a copy of which we attach, makes clear there is now a further opportunity for anyone to make comments about the planning proposal which can be submitted to the Planning Inspector. As you will see there is a short deadline by which any additional comments have to be received by the Inspector - by no later than 22 April.

We would encourage as many of you as possible who wish to, to submit comments even at this late stage. As the District Council refused planning permission solely on grounds related to highways matters you should only submit highways related comments. In doing so you might want to address matters that include - 

  • Evidence or statements regarding the effect of noise, vibration, damage and pollution on your properties (and vehicles) due to HGV or other traffic
  • Effect on the health of residents attributable to air quality 
  • Effect of pollution on children walking to school and in the playground of the primary school
  • Road safety issues - lack of pavements or narrow pavements, plus no lollipop lady, crossing nor traffic lights to help you cross safely with your children 
  • Traffic delays due to congestion at the various pinch points on the A375 in both Sidford and Sidbury
  • Evidence of vehicles mounting and/or diving on pavements
Where possible your comments should be supported by photographic evidence. We believe that it is important for as many photographs and/or videos are submitted to the Planning Inspector showing images of traffic congestion/difficulties along the A375 at any point between Sidford and Cotford in Sidbury. 

Attached is a brief guide as to how to present any submission that you make.

In the meantime we are working with a number of residents in order to obtain evidence from them about how the traffic detrimentally affects them and their properties so that this too can be submitted to the Planning Inspector.

Best wishes 

Campaign Team

NO Sidford Business Park Campaign

Guidance on submitting additional evidence to the Planning Inspector

All comments and evidence must –

  • be received by the Planning Inspector by no later than 22 April 2019. Anything received after this date will not be considered by the Inspector.
  • quote the planning appeal reference for in order for it to be considered by the Inspector. The reference is – APP/U1105/W/19/3221978.
  • quote the address of the appeal site i.e. the Business Park. The address to be quoted is – Land East of Two Bridges, Two Bridges Road, Sidford.
  • your name and address
  • state “I am against the appeal proposals” and explain whether it is for the same reasons as given by the District Council or, if not, explain your own reasons

The reasons given by the District Council in refusing the planning application were –

"1. The proposed development, by virtue of the proposed B8 uses, would result in an increase of HGV traffic on the surrounding road network, both in the vicinity of the site and through Sidbury which both suffer from inadequate road widths and a lack of footways. As such increased HGV movements within this area will result in conflicts between vehicles, and between vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians, to the detriment of highway safety. The proposed development is therefore considered contrary to paragraph 32 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Strategies 26 (Development at Sidmouth), and Policies TC7 (Adequacy of Road Network and Site Access) of the adopted East Devon Local Plan 2013 - 2031."

The Planning Inspector asks that any additional submissions are –
  • in a font such as Arial or Verdana in a size of 11 point or larger
  • use A4 paper wherever possible
  • number the pages of the documents
  • make sure photocopied and scanned documents are clear and legible
  • use black and white for documents unless colour is essential
  • put any photographs (both originals and photocopies should be in colour), maps, plans, etc, in a separate appendix and cross reference them within the main body of the document
  • print documents on both sides of a page. You should use paper of good enough quality that something printed on one side of the page does not show through to the other side
  • do not send original documents
  • if possible, send 3 copies

You should send your written submission and/or photographs/videos –
By post to: The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/C Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol BS1 6PN
By email to: west2@pins.gsi.gov.uk

Remember all evidence must be received by the Planning Inspector by no later than 22 April 2019

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