Outdoors: Be a wild child for the night - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent
The University of Exeter is sponsoring an event next week:

Earthwalking Tickets, Beer - Sidmouth | Eventbrite
As part of its Art and Culture programme the University of Exeter is running a 2 day Earthwalk along the Jurassic Coast from Beer to Sidmouth on 14th and 15th July. The purpose is to explore “earth as a living system through different stories of the sea and land, time and change along this stunning part of the coastline with contributions from artists, scientists and the local community.”
The Vision Group will be hosting the final session of tea, cake and conversation at the Dissenter/Unitarian Hall from 4pm until 6pm on Wednesday 15th July. This will give the participants an opportunity in small groups to discuss questions that have arisen from the walk and how communities can engage with major questions eg climate change, sustainability, and provide invited guests with an opportunity to question walkers on related subjects.
Vision Group for Sidmouth - Earthwalk comes to Sidmouth
Explore earth as a living system through different stories of the sea and land, time and change
Tickets £25 (£15)
Starting at Beer, East Devon - continuing to Sidmouth, East Devon
14th - 15th July 2015 at 11 am
Running time: 2 days
Age: Adults only
You are invited to be part of a two-day journey walking along the East Devon coast. We will be exploring earth as a living system through different stories of the sea and land, time and change along this stunning part of the coastline with contributions from artists, scientists and the local community.
This enquiry will include time for walking, personal reflection and sharing ideas and different perspectives.
This event is suitable for the general public, people in the local community, academics, students and artists.
The event is devised by Anne-Marie Culhane and is inspired by her Exeter Enquires residency in Earth System Science at the University of Exeter.
Contributors include:
- Professor Tim Lenton, Professor of Climate Change, Earth System Science, at the University of Exeter
- Tom Powell, Researcher, Land Use/Earth Systems Interactions, University of Exeter
- Dr Luke Mander, Marie Curie Research Fellow, Earth System Science, University of Exeter
- Anne-Marie Culhane, Artist/Community Activist
- Dr Ceri Lewis, Marine Biologist, University of Exeter
- Dr Michelle Bastian, Chancellors Fellow, Edinburgh College of Art
- Storm Songs, Encounters Art
- National Trust, Branscombe
- Vision Group for Sidmouth
It is time to look for new paths and new stories. Dark Mountain Manifesto, Dark Mountain Project
When we go down to the low-tide line, we enter a world that is as old as the earth itself – the primeval meeting place of the elements of earth and water, a place of compromise and conflict and eternal change. Rachel Carson, the Edge of the Sea
Over two days and an evening we will explore the dynamic edge where the land meets the sea through walking, reflection and encounters with academics, scientist, artists and local people. The walk has been created to allow time for personal reflection, conversations with others and sharing questions or thoughts with the wider group held by the wider context of the Jurassic coast and a shared journey.
Background to the project
This event is part of an Exeter Enquires residency co-ordinated by Arts & Culture at Exeter University and supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England. For this residency artist Anne-Marie Culhane has been working Tim Lenton (Professor of Climate Change), Dr.Luke Mander and Tom Powell in Earth System Science at the University of Exeter.
Earthwalking reflects Anne-Marie Culhane's passion for designing creative, interdisciplinary projects. Her practice includes creating events that bring people together to share experiences and different perspectives in response to places and ecological concerns or questions, in order to bring us closer to the land and each other. The shape of this event has emerged from conversations, discussions, reading and shared time on the coast path with the academics and with people who live and work in the area.
Some questions that have arisen as part of her residency :
- How to live with Gaia? (James Lovelock’s Gaia theory is a major influence on Earth System Science)
- How do the concepts of time that we create affect the way we live?
- What can be gained from bringing different forms of knowledge and activism together for example, the parallel fields of climate change theory and climate change responses?
- How do we live with uncertainty?
- Am I thinking about systems or thinking systemically?
- What is a community? How do we enlarge concepts of community?
As a metaphor Gaia emphasizes most the significance of the individual organism. It is always from the action of the individuals that powerful, local, regional and global systems evolve. When the activity of an organism favours the environment as well as the organism itself, then its spread will be assisted –
James Lovelock, Epilog, 239p, The Ages of Gaia
When and where will we be walking:
The walk starts in Beer, East Devon at 11am on Tuesday 14 July. We will then walk from Beer via Branscombe on the first day and we will continue discussion and reflection after supper in the evening at the campsite. On Wednesday we will continue on to Sidmouth. We will finish at the Dissenter’s Hall in Sidmouth at 6pm on Wednesday 15 July. We will be walking a distance of around 10 miles. You will need to be reasonably fit. The coast path is challenging in places along this stretch but, intentionally, we will be taking our time. There is overnight parking at Beer and good public transport from Exeter to Beer and Sidmouth.
Overnight and food:
We will be staying at Berry Barton Campsite, Branscombe. Your camping gear, tent and anything for the second day will be transported from Beer to the campsite and then onwards to the end point of the walk in Sidmouth. There is a shower and toilet block on the site with hot water. A vegetarian evening meal and breakfast will be provided. You will need to bring with you enough food for two packed lunches. Camping is an integral part of this event and we would like to encourage you to do so as the evening will be used for discussion and reflection. If for any reason you are unable to camp there are a number of hotels and B&B’s in Branscombe.
Who should come:
This event is suitable for the general public, people in the local community, academics, researchers and students, artists and activists. This event is not suitable for children or dogs.
Special Requirements:
Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements or health issues.
Ticket Price:
Tickets are £25 (this includes camping, vegetarian evening meal and breakfast). The cost is £15 if you are not staying at the campsite. This sum is not refundable. Click here to book your ticket online.
We expect a high demand for places so please book early to ensure a place. Once you have booked you will receive further information by email about what to bring, transport etc.
For more context on Anne-Marie's work and projects visit:
For more on Earth Systems Science at the University of Exeter:
Arts and Culture » EarthwalkingSidmouth held its first Walking Festival last summer:
Sidmouth Town Website - Walking Festival
Futures Forum: Sidmouth Walking Festival: Saturday 27th September to Thursday 2nd October
And will be holding another in a couple of months time:
Sidmouth Arboretum - News
Sidmouth Walking Festival - Visit Sidmouth
Sidmouth Walking Festival -Walking Festivals In England
Sidmouth Walking Festival - Events - South West Coast Path
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