Futures Forum: Climate Week in Sidmouth ... The New Economics Foundation and systems change >>> "Coastal Communities and their Local Economies" >>> Saturday 7th March at 4.30pm
The NEF have carried out a lot of research on the local economy
- including a report from a couple of years ago on revitalising our high streets:
Reimagining the high street | New Economics Foundation
- which followed on from their report on 'clone-towns':
Clone Town Britain | New Economics Foundation
Press | New Economics Foundation
There has been a lively conversation at Sidmouth Streetlife - spotted by the East Devon Watch blog:
Sidmouth: are more chain stores needed? | East Devon Watch
Chains to revitalise Sidmouth?
Local Conversations in Bowd
Streetlife | Chains to revitalise Sidmouth?
"The towns most dependent on the biggest chains and out of town stores have proven to be most vulnerable to the economic crisis."
I asked yesterday in the Rainbow store in Honiton when they'd close. They are a 5 shops 'chain' as far as I know and currently advertise a closing down sale. Apparently, they found out yesterday that they don't have to close at all. Good.
High streets in general are struggling, especially those with chain stores.
At least independents have the autonomy to be able to adapt to changing markets, that's if they want too of course. For example we change our menu to reflect current food trends.
Also as far as I am aware Coastal, Selleys, Costa, Dairy Shop and the Chattery are all open to 5pm.
I personally don't like the American ethos of shops and restaurants being open 24/7, as I feel it can have a detrimental effect on family life.
From my personal and business experience of Sidmouth, I don't think it needs to change that much, it just needs a bit of tweaking....and a really good team up at the council in charge of tourism.