Futures Forum: "The Bristol Method": how we can learn from the Green City
The University of West England is offering a free on-line course on what Bristol can teach us about living sustainably in the modern world:
Our Green City: Global Challenges, Bristol Solutions

Enrol now for the next Our Green City; a six week, free, online course that will give you an overview of the current environmental and social challenges faced by cities across the world and the solutions that are being found to these. As well as gaining a better understanding of sustainability and cities, we hope that the focus on positive stories of change will inspire and empower you to take action on sustainability issues in your own life and your community.
Course overview
The course will look at the key city support systems of food, nature, transport, resources and energy. We’ll discuss some of the key challenges of creating cities that are good for people and the planet. Each week will feature a lively mix of inspiring stories from Bristol 2015, organisations from the Bristol Green Capital Partnership, and other cities around the world.
You will have the opportunity to build networks, share knowledge and discuss the key themes with other participants.
Our Green City themes
We have developed six themes, based on the key sustainability challenges facing cities, for you to work through in your own time. Although you can access all the material from the start, our discussion forums will follow the sequence of themes on a weekly basis.
How will I learn?
All of our learning materials are contained within our ‘Open Education’ virtual learning environment. Each week follows a specified template so that you become familiar with the tasks that we set for you. You’ll watch video presentations, complete quizzes, use our discussion forums and have a weekly task to undertake.
How much time?
We have designed the course so that you can learn around your own time commitments. We anticipate that it would take 3 - 5 hours of your time each week, you can have an in-depth view of the issues or just simply graze our content and pick up the basics.
You will have the opportunity to win badges at key points along the way and will gain a certificate on completion of the course. This is a non-credit bearing course.
Open to everyone
This course is for anyone who is interested in cities and what we can do to make them more sustainable. You do not need prior learning for this course. It is designed to be open and encourage participation in the key social and environmental issues that cities around the world are facing.
Likewise, if you have knowledge in this area, we hope that you will still join the course and share your skills and networks with other participants.
Course dates
The course will start on Monday 1 February 2016.
Study materials will be available from this date.
How to enrol
You can enrol now online.
Our Green City is funded by UWE Bristol, Bristol 2015, Bristol City Council and The Department for Energy and Climate Change.
Follow 'Our Green City' on Twitter for regular updates.
Blackboard Learn
With thanks to:
The University of West England is offering a free on-line course on what Bristol can teach us about living sustainably in the modern world:Bristol Solar PV
Hello! It's intriguing to discover the free online course Our Green City Global Challenges Bristol Solutions. I'm eager to delve deeper into how Bristol addresses global difficulties to transform into a more sustainable and environmentally friendly city. Could you please provide additional information or a link to access the course? By the way, if you happen to have any insights on whether it's possible to pay someone to take my course that would be helpful to know as well.
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