Futures Forum: Sidmouth Plastic Warriors > in action > Sunday 24th June
Here's the report:

We finished off with a plastic free picnic some nice (if I say so myself) (vegan) cake, in the shade. Not the most pleasant of clean ups but we achieved a lot. Shame it all comes back again so quickly. Also bit of a shame the council didn’t turn up to pick this one up due to a cock up (mainly my fault) so ended with a bit of a nightmare of what to do with the rubbish – it ended up in my garage for a few days until I could get to the recycling centre.

smashed up around the back of the Youth Centre. He asked the teens to stop smashing it up, they replied that they were ‘getting rid of it’ – but they were just breaking it into millions of pieces in reality. Despite being asked to stop they continued, until my husband pretended to take a photo of them to identify them. They called him ‘pedo’ etc and ran off… nice. He called me up, I brought all my stuff with me including dustpan and brush and spent half an hour clearing it up as well as I could. This is the solid bit that was left. I will NEVER understand why this stuff is still being used. It is not recyclable, it is extremely brittle, it breaks into thousands of pieces and is plastic. Shocking.
Clean up #6 Long Park 24th June 2018 – Sidmouth Plastic Warriors
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