Reduce working week to 30 hours, say economists - Telegraph
When working all hours takes a terrible toll - Telegraph
This is the latest from the New Economics Foundation nef:
Time on Our Side
Photo credit:
nan palmero

Have you ever wondered why you’re so busy, where your time goes, or how much your time is really worth?
This book will radically alter your understanding of the nature and value of time. Authored by leading experts in social, economic and environmental sciences, it explains how moving towards shorter, more flexible hours of work could help tackle urgent problems that beset our daily lives – from overwork, unemployment and low well-being, to entrenched inequalities, needless high-carbon consumption and the lack of time to live sustainably
Download free sample (PDF)
Time on Our Side | new economics foundationTime on our side: Why we all need a shorter working week
Which in turn reflects reports from the last couple of years:
Our Work: Work & Time
Despite huge social and technological progress over the last century, our attitude towards working hours remains grounded in the industrial revolution, and there is no real recognition of the value of our core - unpaid - economy. Re-examining the 9-5 and moving towards a redistribution of paid and unpaid time would help to restore balance, with benefits for our economy, society and environment.
Key Facts
- John Maynard Keynes envisaged that by the beginning of the 21st century, most people would work only 15 hours a week.
- Women in the UK do 4.5 hours of unpaid work per day. Men do 2.5 hours.
Featured Work
Work & Time | new economics foundation
A Shorter Working Week: Will This Be Possible? | Greener Journeys
There is even a group which explicitly connects shorter working hours with sustainable development:
People for a Shorter Workweek and Sustainable Life
The mission statement of People for a Shorter Workweek and Sustainable Life (PSWSL) is to educate companies and the general public about the many benefits of working a shorter workweek (LESS THAN 40 hours) with at least three days off. We also provide information about how to live a more sustainable life. Email: moreleisure at yahoo dot com.
People for a Shorter Workweek and Sustainable Life
See also: Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt: Kellogg’s Six-Hour Day
What's Wrong with a 30-Hour Work Week? - Climate & Capitalism
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