Futures Forum: Supporting sustainable local food production in Branscombe >>> planning applications
There were two applications:
16/2964/FUL | Retention of temporary agricultural worker's dwelling and temporary farm office | Alderwood Barn Branscombe Seaton EX12 3BU
17/0025/FUL | Erection of 3 no. polytunnels and associated works (revisions to siting approved under application 15/0275/FUL) - partially retrospective | Alderwood Barn Branscombe Seaton EX12 3BU
And there was a large majority in favour from the contributors.
For example, here is one comment in support of the first application:
Ms Ruth Hancock (Supports)
Comment submitted date: Tue 07 Feb 2017
I fully support this application as it is fully in line with all the criteria laid out for these types of applications, as laid out in the National planning Policy framework.
The retention of this development would allow an existing valued local business to survive and thrive.
Living alongside ones crops and livestock is the only way of ensuring their proper care.
Farming and growing are not nine to five jobs'
The ability to observe, and react immediately to, crop or animal needs are of vital importance.
This business produces products valued in the local community. And is a valuable contributor to the enhancement of a diverse and resiliant food system, in this area, economically, socially, and environmentally.
Here is a message from the applicant:
Our planning application was passed by EDDC last week so we now have three years' temporary
permission and then hopefully we can prove to be a financially viable farm and
get a permanent permission for a low-impact sustainable home with an
agricultural tie.
Jenny Lonnberg & Ian Crowe
Natural Branscombe
Alderwood Farm

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