Report Release: Community + Land + Trust: Tools for Development without Displacement | NESRI | National Economic & Social Rights Initiative
Can Community Land Trusts Solve Baltimore’s Homelessness Problem? | The Nation
Can Neighborhoods Be Revitalized Without Gentrifying Them? | The Nation
Turner Prize 2015: Liverpool housing estate shortlisted for prestigious art gong - Mirror Online
Granby Four Streets CLT - Granby 4 Streets Community Land Trust
Futures Forum: Toxteth and Turner: "Turner Prize winners show how the soul can be put back into regeneration schemes"
Futures Forum: Toxteth and Turner: "It has taken the Turner prize to highlight that there is an alternative to replacing low-income housing with expensive flats."
Bristol Community Land Trust | Developing affordable housing and community assets around Bristol
Futures Forum: Housing: Made in Bristol
Futures Forum: Abolish Empty Office Blocks (AEOB: House People) buys its first property in Bristol
Things are happening in the South West:
Cornwall Community Land Trust | Affordable Homes
Community Land Trusts | WessexCA
In Totnes:
Transition Homes Community Land Trust has submitted a planning application for a development of 27 affordable, eco-homes on a site near Dartington village.
This page provides information on the application, registering your interest as a potential resident of the site, and our contact details.This page will be updated with relevant news and information about the CLT and the proposed development, including volunteer opportunities when we get to the construction stage.
February 2016 - view and comment on our planning application
Our planning application was submitted in December and has now been validated by South Hams District Council, who began their formal consultation on 2nd February. The application is available for viewing and comment on their website*, which contains the site and house plans.
There are many documents on their website which were submitted with the planning application. The planning statement is the key document for an overview of all aspects of the project. You can read it on the SHDC or read it here.
* If you are using a smart phone, the link will not work. Please search South Hams planning via Google, and in their search facility enter '2927/15' under application number.
We encourage anyone living locally to comment on the application during the consultation period, which ends March 2nd.
The main aim of the project is to provide affordable, sustainable housing for local people in housing need. The application includes plans for 19 affordable houses, with 8 market houses which are required to generate income to help pay for the affordable homes.
The plans
Transition Homes site plan, Clay Park
The key features of the development include:
- 27 terraced homes: 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom
- a community building, and plant room for a wood-fuelled boiler
- highly sustainable development using low-carbon materials and technologies to minimise environmental impact
- highly energy efficient homes resulting in low energy costs for residents
- 19 affordable homes for local people in housing need, with 8 market homes
- high quality construction – not ‘cheap’ housing – using local, natural building materials, and local tradespeople and suppliers
- not 'just' a housing development: the site includes food growing areas; renewable energy; community orchard and coppice; shared facilities including a village green, community hub, and laundry; training & education opportunities for locals, building a new community
- improved biodiversity of the site: hedgerow management and new hedges, native tree planting, orchard, wetland areas, wildflower meadow, nesting for birds and bats
- community led, not-for-profit. Transition Homes CLT is a registered charity, and the project is run by local volunteers.
And in East Devon:
Community Land Trusts
A Community Land Trust (CLT) is a community-led, not-for-profit, organisation that provides land and buildings to meet the long term needs of it's community. It offers a way to provide permanently affordable housing, and holds these assets in trust, so the community benefits forever.The National CLT Network provides resources and advice on getting started.
Start up loan
A loan of up to £5,000 per CLT can be made available from the council to qualifying CLT's to cover the initial start up costs. The loan is available to emerging or established CLTs. The loan is intended to help with legal fees, surveys and employing architects.If you would like to apply for a CLT start up loan please contact our housing development and enabling officer for an application form.
And in particular, in Beer:
BEER COMMUNITYLAND TRUSTNorthcott Building Contractors | East Devon
Futures Forum: Beer Community Land Trust
Futures Forum: Community Land Trusts and affordable housing
Futures Forum: Community Land Trusts and affordable housing: part two: taking control
See also:
National CLT Network
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