Futures Forum: 'Needless Demand' >>> Or: What's the difference between 'need for housing' and 'demand for housing'?
In a new report it highlights how this 'needless demand' is pushing development into our Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty:
New homes rush risks ‘protected’ areas of natural beauty

The CPRE claims some of the most treasured landscapes are at risk from development (Photo: Getty)
Wednesday November 15th 2017
Some of England’s best-loved landscapes are being buried under bricks and concrete under moves to build thousands of new homes in protected areas, environmental campaigners have warned. A report by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) reveals an 82 per cent increase in new homes given planning permission in England’s 34 areas of outstanding natural beauty (AONBs) in the past five years.
It means almost 15,500 new homes have been given the go ahead since 2012, while the number of planning applications has more than doubled in that time, despite government commitments to protect AONBs “for future generations”. Such areas have the highest level of planning protection, but the CPRE’s report shows a fivefold increase in the amount of AONB land set to be lost under concrete, often by developers exploiting poorly defined planning policy. Five years ago, planning applications covered 41 hectares of AONB land while the latest figures show at least 212 hectares under threat.
And the campaigners warn that pressure on local authorities will only increase, with applications for a further 12,741 homes in AONBs currently awaiting decision. Based on the 2016/17 housing approval rate of 64 per cent, this could mean a further 8,154 homes, resulting in a total of 23,639 homes being approved in AONBs since 2012.
The AONB designation covers around 15 per cent of the most treasured parts of England, from the Cotswolds to the North Pennines and contains some of the most beautiful landscapes outside national parks. The CPRE report, Beauty betrayed: how reckless housing development threatens England’s AONBs, unsurprisingly shows that development pressure is highest in the southeast and southwest.
According to independent research carried out for the campaigners, the Home Counties’ green belt risks becoming a giant suburb of London because of pressure from developers. In these areas, just eight AONBs account for 74 per cent of all housing applications and 79 percent of all approvals from 2012-2017, says the CPRE.
Emma Marrington, CPRE senior rural policy campaigner, said: “What is, in effect, a sell-off of AONBs is surely among the worst examples of misguided housing policy, where the drive to build more houses, any houses, no matter how unaffordable, to meet housing targets, is at the cost of our most beautiful landscapes. “While CPRE advocates the building of right homes in the right places, AONBs are not the right place.
Some of England’s best-loved landscapes are being buried under bricks and concrete under moves to build thousands of new homes in protected areas, environmental campaigners have warned. A report by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) reveals an 82 per cent increase in new homes given planning permission in England’s 34 areas of outstanding natural beauty (AONBs) in the past five years.
It means almost 15,500 new homes have been given the go ahead since 2012, while the number of planning applications has more than doubled in that time, despite government commitments to protect AONBs “for future generations”. Such areas have the highest level of planning protection, but the CPRE’s report shows a fivefold increase in the amount of AONB land set to be lost under concrete, often by developers exploiting poorly defined planning policy. Five years ago, planning applications covered 41 hectares of AONB land while the latest figures show at least 212 hectares under threat.
And the campaigners warn that pressure on local authorities will only increase, with applications for a further 12,741 homes in AONBs currently awaiting decision. Based on the 2016/17 housing approval rate of 64 per cent, this could mean a further 8,154 homes, resulting in a total of 23,639 homes being approved in AONBs since 2012.
The AONB designation covers around 15 per cent of the most treasured parts of England, from the Cotswolds to the North Pennines and contains some of the most beautiful landscapes outside national parks. The CPRE report, Beauty betrayed: how reckless housing development threatens England’s AONBs, unsurprisingly shows that development pressure is highest in the southeast and southwest.
According to independent research carried out for the campaigners, the Home Counties’ green belt risks becoming a giant suburb of London because of pressure from developers. In these areas, just eight AONBs account for 74 per cent of all housing applications and 79 percent of all approvals from 2012-2017, says the CPRE.
Emma Marrington, CPRE senior rural policy campaigner, said: “What is, in effect, a sell-off of AONBs is surely among the worst examples of misguided housing policy, where the drive to build more houses, any houses, no matter how unaffordable, to meet housing targets, is at the cost of our most beautiful landscapes. “While CPRE advocates the building of right homes in the right places, AONBs are not the right place.
“On top of this, current development on AONBs shows little evidence that what’s built will actually help solve the housing crisis, which is more to do with affordability than lack of land.”
The CPRE is calling on the government to toughen up planning policy on large housing developments in AONBs, include targets in a promised long-term environment plan to emphasise the importance of the treasured landscapes.
The charity also wants a reform of the new homes bonus – a government scheme to give extra cash to authorities who authorise the building of new homes – so that it does not encourage large-scale house-building in areas of natural beauty. It also wants statistics to be published each year on rates of development and changes in land use in AONBs, similar to those already published for green belt land.
“On top of this, current development on AONBs shows little evidence that what’s built will actually help solve the housing crisis, which is more to do with affordability than lack of land.”
The CPRE is calling on the government to toughen up planning policy on large housing developments in AONBs, include targets in a promised long-term environment plan to emphasise the importance of the treasured landscapes.
The charity also wants a reform of the new homes bonus – a government scheme to give extra cash to authorities who authorise the building of new homes – so that it does not encourage large-scale house-building in areas of natural beauty. It also wants statistics to be published each year on rates of development and changes in land use in AONBs, similar to those already published for green belt land.
A Department for Communities and Local Government spokesperson said the national planning policy framework sets out clear guidelines for planning authorities to consider when deciding whether AONB developments are justified.
“We’re committed to conserving and enhancing Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty – that’s why our national planning framework has strong protections in place,” the spokesperson said. “While it is for councils to make the final decision, we’re clear major developments should be refused unless there are exceptional circumstances and it would be in the public interest.”
New homes rush risks 'protected' areas of natural beauty - The i newspaper online iNews
Here is the press release from the CPRE:
Government failing to protect England’s celebrated landscapes from mass housing developments
14 November 2017
CPRE’s research shows almost 15,500 houses approved in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the past five years despite their ‘protected’ status
A new report published today by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) shows there has been an 82% increase in new housing units given planning permission in England’s 34 AONBs in the past five years, despite repeated commitments by the Government to ‘maintain national protections for AONBs for the benefit of future generations’. This represents almost 15,500 housing units since 2012, while the number of housing planning applications has more than doubled in that time [1].
Although AONBs have the highest level of planning protection, CPRE’s report Beauty betrayed: how reckless housing development threatens England’s AONBsshows a five-fold increase in the amount of AONB land set to be lost under concrete in these treasured landscapes.
The report is based on research commissioned by CPRE [2], and includes data from Glenigan, data specialists on the UK construction industry. It shows clear evidence that housing developers are applying increasing pressure on local authorities to build new homes on AONBs by exploiting poorly defined and conflicting national planning policy.
CPRE’s report also shows that the pressure on local authorities is set to increase, with applications for a further 12,741 homes in AONBs currently awaiting decision. Based on the 2016/17 housing approval rate of 64%, this could mean a further 8,154 units, resulting in a total of 23,639 units being approved in AONBs since 2012.
Unsurprisingly, pressure for development within AONBs – defined by the number of applications, approvals and housing units – is highest in the South East and South West. In these areas, just eight AONBs account for 74% of all housing applications and 79% of all approvals from 2012-2017.
Emma Marrington, CPRE Senior Rural Policy Campaigner, said:
“What is, in effect, a sell-off of AONBs is surely among the worst examples of misguided housing policy, where the drive to build more houses, any houses, no matter how unaffordable, to meet housing targets, is at the cost of our most beautiful landscapes.
“While CPRE advocates the building of right homes in the right places, AONBs are not the right place. On top of this, current development on AONBs shows little evidence that what’s built will actually help solve the housing crisis, which is more to do with affordability than lack of land.”
England’s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) cover 15% of the country. Their origins stem from the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, presented as a gift to the nation for its war-time sacrifices.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) says that: ‘Great weight should be given to conserving landscape and scenic beauty in AONBs, which have the highest status of protection in relation to landscape and scenic beauty.’ Government policy also allows housing targets to be lower in designated areas and recommends that ‘major developments’, including housing schemes, should be refused except in ‘exceptional circumstances’. However, both of these terms are poorly defined, creating loopholes that are often exploited by developers [3].
Although AONBs rely on local authorities and planning inspectors for their protection, the sheer weight of applications and appeals means that large and inappropriate housing developments are getting through as local authorities struggle under pressure from developers.
Largest AONB housing development approved on one of Europe’s best surviving medieval landscapes
High Weald AONB in Sussex, with its historic rolling hills, small patchwork fields, sunken lanes and abundant woods, is considered one of the best surviving medieval landscapes in Europe.
Yet last year, Mid Sussex District Council rubber-stamped the building of 600 houses at Pease Pottage, setting a deeply troubling precedent for large-scale housing development in AONBs. Their argument for what would be among the largest single developments proposed for an AONB was that it would help to meet housing targets for nearby Crawley.
Based on the findings of the report, CPRE says that unless the Government and local authorities take action now, we are in danger of losing more AONB land to housing development and seeing a significant part of these beautiful landscapes disappear from our lives.
CPRE calls on the Government to:
- Amend the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to state a presumption against proposals for large housing developments in AONBs. It should be made clear, as it is for Green Belt, that demand for housing or the lack of a five-year supply is unlikely to justify large housing developments in AONBs.
- Include targets in the promised 25-year Environment Plan to ensure that development does not damage landscape quality. This would emphasise the importance of AONBs to the health, wellbeing and prosperity of the nation and set out how they will be better protected.
- Give all AONBs the statutory right to be consulted for major development proposals in their area, so that their advice is fully considered when determining a planning application.
- Reform the New Homes Bonus scheme for local authorities so that it no longer encourages large-scale housebuilding in AONBs.
- Publish annual statistics on the rate of development and other changes of land use in AONBs, as is already done for Green Belts.
Notes To Editors
Please contact Faith Mall faithm@cpre.org.uk in the CPRE press office for a copy of the research reports, interviews with spokespeople, filming requests and photographs on 020 7981 2819 or 077 3933 2796.
Notes to editors
[1] CPRE’s Beauty betrayed: how reckless housing development threatens England’s AONBs shows there has been a dramatic increase in new housing units given planning permission in England’s 34 AONBs in the past five years.
[2] D Dixon, N Sinden and T Crabtree, An Independent Review of Housing in England’s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty 2012-17, 2017.
The Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) fights for a better future for the English countryside. We work locally and nationally to protect, shape and enhance a beautiful, thriving countryside for everyone to value and enjoy. Our members are united in their love for England’s landscapes and rural communities, and stand up for the countryside, so it can continue to sustain, enchant and inspire future generations. Founded in 1926, President: Emma Bridgewater, Patron: Her Majesty The Queen. www.cpre.org.uk
Government failing to protect England’s celebrated landscapes from mass housing developments - Campaign to Protect Rural England
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