Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan >>> deadline to complete the questionnaire >>> Monday 18th June >>> fill it in on-line
And one issue in particular seems to be getting a lot of attention:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >>> report from Town Council meeting: "This scoping exercise can be integrated into the Neighbourhood Plan."
In other words, there is agreement that the scoping exercise for Port Royal should be part of the Neighbourhood Plan process:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >>> ‘Scoping Report for the eastern end of Sidmouth’ >>> District Council pushes for "a three month scoping exercise completed mid November" and "a decision on full planning and design approach December 2016"
This is clearly an issue being raised in completed questionnaires:
Strong community voice vital in regeneration of Sidmouth’s eastern town
19:01 16 July 2016
The Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan logo
Residents urged to complete neighbourhood plan questionnaire
A strong community voice should play a vital role in the regeneration of Port Royal and preserving the unique Sid Valley for future generations.
That is the message from members of the Neighbourhood Plan steering group, who are urging residents to complete questionnaires to have a say on what they like, dislike and would change about their town.
Feedback so far broadly focuses on a fear of over-development, preserving the vibrant seaside resort and its unique qualities, tourism and protecting the coastal environment.
Chairman of the Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan steering group, Deirdre Hounsom said: “Most people value the opportunity to have their say and realise that, without the community pulling together, we will not be able to have a say in development.
“We feel these responses are particularly important in light of the fact that a scoping exercise for the regeneration of Port Royal has been started.”
Once adopted, the Neighbourhood Plan will form a legally-binding blueprint to influence future development in the area for 15 years and beyond. Responses from residents will shape the final plan.
When asked what they disliked about the Sid Valley, one person said: “Over-development of property tied to retirement.”
Future visions for the area focused on a ‘vibrant seaside town with clean, pollution free beaches’ and ‘a valley saved from the ravage of globalisation’.
Councillor Louise Cole, the committee’s deputy chairman, said: “It is so important that we capture the views of all sections of our community.”
Residents have until Monday, July 18, to complete the questionnaire. Visit www.sidmouth.gov.uk
Strong community voice vital in regeneration of Sidmouth’s eastern town - News - Sidmouth Herald
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