Futures Forum: Campaigning for a safe cycle path for Sidford to Sidbury
Residents are holding a meeting later this month to raise awareness and see what can be done:
Sidbury road campaign urging drivers to ‘kill speed not villagers’
PUBLISHED: 07:00 08 April 2018

Bridget Roberts and Janice Faulkner with some of the Sidbury residents. Ref shs 13 18TI 0852. Picture: Terry Ife
Motorists are being asked to ‘kill their speed and not villagers’ as part of a community road campaign in Sidbury.
Residents say they feel they are ‘taking their lives into their hands’ trying to cross the road and want to act before there is a fatality.
Members of the community concerned about cars breaking the 20mph and 30mph limits are launching a campaign with a public meeting to address the issue on April 25.
Cotford Road resident John Loudoun said: “Regretfully so many drivers of cars, vans, motor bikes and lorries seem to think that both of these speed limits don’t apply to them and wilfully ignore them.
“The main road through Sidbury is narrow, has many parked cars, has several blind bends and few footpaths. It also has a primary school and many older residents, all of whom often literally have to take their lives in their hands when they either walk through the village or seek to cross the road.
“This is not something that they should have to tolerate.
“I hope that the traffic issues affecting Sidbury don’t have to wait for an unnecessary road fatality to start to concentrate the minds of the powers that be.”
He added that it was a ‘blessing’ that developments such as the business park at Sidford had not been successful as it would only increase traffic through the village.
Mr Loudon said: “When one adds to the speeding vehicles, the volume of traffic and the size and weight of many of the lorries that use the A375 through Sidbury then this increases the difficulties and worries for village residents.”
The resident has also been in touch with Councillor Stuart Hughes and Sergeant Andy Squires about putting in equipment to measure speed and the possibility of setting up a speed watch group.
Other concerned residents include Sidbury WI, which began its own investigations after a member raised concerns about speeding cars last summer.
The group has organised the public meeting to launch the ‘kill your speed not villagers’ campaign on Wednesday, April 25.
The WI also hopes to fundraise for a speed sign which displays motorist speeds as they go through the village.
The public meeting will be held at 2pm and 7pm, in Sidbury Village Hall.
Sidbury road campaign urging drivers to ‘kill speed not villagers’ | Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald
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